Student Leadership

At East Kenwick, the Student Leadership program is an integral part of our strategy to achieve our school vision 'Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow'.

Our school offers a diverse range of leadership opportunities including the opportunity for Year 6 students to nominate for leadership program positions.  The leadership program promotes the skills, values and attitudes needed for effective leadership to make a positive contribution to our school community.

The leadership program has two components: Student Councillor and Faction Captain.  Each group has a teacher mentor.  The Student Councillor program aims to develop leadership skills to improve student welfare by fostering a safe, caring environment and by presenting students' views on the school comunity's decisions.  Faction Captains develop leadership and organisational skills which contribute to student welfare by promoting cooperation, teamwork and a healthy lifestyle.

Each of these leadership groups has a slighly different but complementary focus and is an integral part of our strategy to achieve our school vision.

Throughout the year, all Year 6 students are involved in a variety of fundraising activities to raise money towards their Year 6 Camp and Graduation Lunch. With their fantastic fundraising efforts the cohort are often able to pay for part of their camp fees and also subsidise their Graduation Lunch.

The Year 6 Leadership Camp comprises of a two night stay at Bickley Recreation Camp aimed to develop leadership skills. At this three day camp, students participate in raft making, wall climbing, team building activities, crate climbing, search and rescue, canoeing and the flying fox.