Our Positive Behaviour Support approach is based on creating a common understanding of expected behaviours in our school and the community through the implementation of a PBS Committee, which meets regularly to review and discuss ‘best practice’ in our school. The PBS approach we utilise is underpinned by our beliefs about developing a safe, supportive and positive learning environment, which caters to diversity and promotes inclusivity.

The school has defined expected behaviour through Committee meetings, staff surveys, parent and community surveys and the implementation of whole school and classroom matrixes. All staff model ‘expected behaviour’ daily and explicitly teach behaviour skills through our four areas of foci; ‘Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Caring and Be Your Best’.

The school encourages ‘expected behaviour’ through positive reinforcement regularly e.g. instant praise, individual behaviour plans, faction points, honour certificates, Aussie of the Month awards, gold slips, gold slip draws each assembly for five student winners, midterm whole-school rewards/ incursions and end of term second chance draws for thirty winners.

Staff build positive relationships in the classroom and promote active participation through accountability, positive cohesiveness, active supervision, acknowledgement of expected behaviour through classroom routine and procedures. The school responds to misbehaviour using a calm, consistent, immediate, respectful approach and encourages parent and community support where ever possible.

All staff have undertaken training in 1-2-3 Magic & Emotion Coaching, to ensure consistency across all learning situations at our school.