Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members,
Welcome to East Kenwick Primary School. We pride ourselves on ensuring that students are at the centre of everything we do. Our aim is to provide your child with the opportunity to learn in a safe and supportive learning environment, growing into a confident and active member of our community.
Children are all individuals and we cater for the individual needs of all our students. Staff are driven to inspire students through innovative learning experiences. There are opportunities for students to explore and learn in every aspect of their schooling. Staff encourage students to learn outdoors in the environment, learn about culture and learn in real world contexts, all while striving for academic excellence.
At East Kenwick Primary School, we recognise the importance that parents and caregivers play in their child’s education. We endeavour to establish strong connections between home and school, working in partnership with parents to provide the best outcomes for students. Working together assists us to have a greater impact on our students and your children.
At East Kenwick Primary School, we ask our students, staff and community to be ‘Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow’.
Brett Conduit